Riyad Global Markets - Riyad Capital

The Global Markets at Your Fingertips
Trade in more than 20+ markets with Riyad Global, which puts all trading services in global markets at your fingertips with unique digital solutions that guarantees you a unique user experience with a package of features associated with your transactions.
- Competitive Commissions
- Live prices
- Market Reports
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Riyad Capital is a Saudi Closed Joint Stock Company with Paid up capital of SR 500 million, licensed by the Saudi Arabian Capital Market Authority NO.07070-37. Commercial Registration No: 1010239234. Head Office: Granada Business Park 2414 Al-Shohda Dist. – Unit No 69, Riyadh 13241 - 7279 Saudi Arabia. The services are subject to their terms and conditions, which must be referred to and read carefully and carefully, and appropriate legal, tax and financial advice must be obtained before obtaining these services and investment. The technical means that are used to pro- vide services are subject to technical risks, and therefore the mentioned services and technical means may not be suitable. For all investors, in view of the risks involved, we recommend that you take specialized advice before obtaining these services and using technical means.